WePlan – Forests
A decision support platform for the spatial planning and
implementation of tropical forest ecosystem restoration
The demonstration version of the WePlan-Forests platform is live: http://weplan-forests.org/

The platform responds to a request by the Conference of the Parties to the Convention, in decision XIII/5 , for the Executive Secretary to support the efforts of Parties in making use of the Short-Term Action Plan on Ecosystem Restoration by, inter alia, supporting the use of tools in collaboration with relevant partners and initiatives. This platform is currently being developed by the International Institute for Sustainability (IIS) Australia and IIS Rio, in partnership with the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) Secretariat, the Center for International Forestry Research and other stakeholders, to streamline access to spatial optimisation planning for forest ecosystem restoration.

The decision-support platform will use analytical approaches and best available data to support countries as they set or revise national and sub-national targets on forest ecosystem restoration and plan their implementation. To this end, the platform will assist Parties in:  

  • identifying where forest ecosystem restoration can achieve the greatest biodiversity and climate benefits;

  • quantifying trade-offs among multiple objectives of restoration, such as biodiversity conservation, carbon sequestration and cost-effectiveness, and identifying optimal compromise solutions; and

  • fully harnessing the potential of natural regeneration as a cost-effective restoration strategy.

The development of this project is generously supported by the European Union and by the Forest Ecosystem Restoration Initiative (FERI) which is supported by the Korea Forest Service of the Republic of Korea.

Series of webinars on WePlan - Forests

Detailed information about the webinars including registration information, reports from the sessions, videos, Q&As and presentations are available on the IIS website.

A series of webinars was organized by the CBD Secretariat and IIS to introduce the decision-support tool to potential users, promoting the uptake of the knowledge necessary to understand, use and apply the tool and its results by stakeholders. The webinars are also intended to get collect feedback from attendees that will help tailor the tool and its user interface to maximize usability.

The series is composed of four webinars presented by team members and invited guest speakers, each session focused on a subject essential to the comprehension and application of the DST, as follows:

  1. October 6th, 2020: Foundations of systematic spatial planning and spatial restoration optimisation. View the report here

  2. October 21st, 2020: How to deliver tropical forest restoration at scale: unlocking the potential of natural regeneration. View the report here

  3. November 18th, 2020: Implications of systematic spatial planning and spatial restoration optimisation for the economics of restoration and policy design. View the report here

  4. December 8th, 2020:  Launch of the WePlan - Forests: decision support platform for spatial optimisation planning of forest ecosystem restoration. View the report here

View the CBD notification